37 usuarios
Whatsapp Chat Start
Start a new Whatsapp chat by entering a phone number.
34 usuarios
Copy Text Without Formatting
The "Copy Text Without Format" Firefox extension simplifies text copying from web pages. It removes formatting, ensuring plain text is copied, ideal for seamless pasting without unwanted styles. Streamlining the process, it enhances productivity.
32 usuarios
ReplyPal Gmail Whatsapp Reddit
Personalized, time-saving replies for Whatsapp, Gmail, Reddit via chatGPT AI technology.
28 usuarios
Warning: This project is abandoned by its developer.(atleast for now) Tags Everyone in a WhatsApp group in one click!
28 usuarios
Trackit|Meet Attendance Tracker
Easily save attendance in google meet video calls. Trackit provides deep insights of the attendance which you will love to use.
27 usuarios
24 usuarios
Simple Site Blocker
A simple extension to quickly block or unblock any website to focus on what matters & save child from pornography!.
22 usuarios
20 usuarios
ZaX - Dark Mode, Tắt mã hóa đầu cuối Zalo
Tắt mã hóa đầu cuối Zalo, Zalo Dark Mode, xem tin bị thu hồi/ xóa, chặn 'Đã xem', 'Đã nhận', 'Đang soạn tin', 'Lần cuối truy cập',..
18 usuarios
14 usuarios
13 usuarios
13 usuarios
Certify online news
12 usuarios
UncovAI Extension
An efficient and ecological method for detecting generative texts 😎
11 usuarios
WiFi Password Show
Best wifi analyzer way to secure your wifi
11 usuarios
Articue WhatsApp ChatGPT
The Articue WhatsApp ChatGPT is a Firefox browser extension that integrates with the WhatsApp Web platform. It uses the ChatGPT language model to generate natural language responses to messages sent on the platform.
11 usuarios
lc.cx - Plus court - Plus direct
Réducteur de lien permettant de raccourcir une ou plusieurs URLs afin de partager des contenus plus simplement avec vos communautés.
11 usuarios
Quick Image Downloader
Quick Image Downloader is a robust browser extension designed for seamless image saving from any webpage. Enjoy effortless batch downloads with customizable options for file size, dimensions, and image type. Simplify your workflow and save time with
10 usuarios
WhatsCopy - Copy in a Click 🔥
Copy WhatsApp messages with just a click ⚡️
10 usuarios
URL Optimizer
Automatically optimizes Amazon URLs to the shortest possible form. Simplifying long and complex URLs makes them easier to manage, bookmark, share, and identify duplicate tabs. 💖 No user information is transmitted to/collected by the developer(s).
9 usuarios
Temp Mail - Temporary Email
You can quickly create a temporary and disposable email address to verify your email. Protect your email from spam, bots, and phishing with TempMailg.
9 usuarios
9 usuarios
Free URL Shortener
A quick and convenient tool for generating short links.
9 usuarios
YouTube Automático
Me gusta y suscríbete automáticamente desde YouTube!
9 usuarios