Revisiones de Alternate Player for
Alternate Player for por Alexander Choporov (CoolCmd)
757 revisiones
- Se valoró con 4 de 5por Mandy, el hace 2 añosWorks pretty well; my main gripe is the lack of the streamer list on the left side of the interface. There's no real way to see when a streamer has popped online to stream without exiting the interface or having another window open. Fix this and it's easily 5 stars.
- Se valoró con 1 de 5por kiBe, el hace 2 añosclipping and following/unfollowing do not work anymore. and neither does channel points or twitch drops
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Agus, el hace 2 años
- Se valoró con 3 de 5por Roman, el hace 2 añosI still don't understand which of my extensions stop this one from working, but some of them do. Disclaimer: by "stops this one from working" I mean that I can't log into Twitch and use chat with this extension's player. Sometimes, I turn off an extension, then this player starts working for a while, but then when I refresh the page this player stops working again. So, in the end, the choice is thus: you either use this extension and this extension only, OR you use anything and everything else. It's not for me. Twitch is just one of the websites I use, and I need my extensions for others.
- Se valoró con 3 de 5por Misha, el hace 2 añosNot work with a very bad connect. And can't work with other extensions.
It's not for me. - Se valoró con 5 de 5por graeteswords, el hace 2 años
- Se valoró con 4 de 5por styder, el hace 2 añosI like most of this add-on but a couple things are keeping it from being perfect. First is the lack of an option to turn back on the list of streams I follow, meaning I have to keep another window open and switch to it to see if people Im not watching come online. Another small gripe is all the mouseover explanations in the statistics page are in Russian even when I have the language set to English so most of that data is useless. Other than that, and a little bit of extra delay it introduces to the stream, its a great alternative to the vanilla player.
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Дмитрий, el hace 2 años
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por zaemz, el hace 2 añosLooks like there was an update and the add-on is working again.
Thank you, Alexander. This is a fantastic piece of software and actually lets me watch Twitch! Not sure why, but the site straight up won't let me stream without it.
You do good work. Stay safe. - Se valoró con 5 de 5por trueno2k, el hace 2 años
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Time traveller, el hace 2 añosWhat happened to this extension? It used to work brilliantly and now it just show the finishline flag when you load up a stream. Will change my review to 5 star when it's fixed. EDIT: It's been fixed - thanks
- Se valoró con 1 de 5por Usuario de Firefox 17316808, el hace 2 añosBeen using this add-on for almost two years, but about a week ago the player no longer works on any stream, as it shows the "broadcast ended" screen instead. Last update is approaching a year ago now and this add-on may or may not be updated in order to fix the player. Use other solutions if you want to block twitch ads unless the player gets a sudden update.
- Se valoró con 4 de 5por cooleosis, el hace 2 añosBeen using for a day, seems to work better than the vanilla player. Only complaints are the less streamlined UI (whatever) and the lack of the left sidebar that shows your follows and if they're online or not.
- Se valoró con 4 de 5por Usuario de Firefox 15061120, el hace 2 añosAddon is good. My only problem with it is you can't message in chat when you use the player, instead you need to turn back to old browser(which actually takes 2 seconds) and then type what you want to do but since it blocks the ads, when you go back to classic player 90% of the time an ad will pop
- Se valoró con 1 de 5por MT, el hace 2 añosLiterally doesn't work at all for me as of Dec 2022. The icon shows up at the top of twitch but not a single other thing changes or is added.
- Se valoró con 3 de 5por SasamiRari, el hace 2 añosWorking great EXCEPT for the follow button...when you attempt to follow a streamer, it makes the button disappear and then shows a :( face in a red box.
Is this going to be fixed? - Se valoró con 5 de 5por imatimba, el hace 2 años
- Se valoró con 4 de 5por Vsk, el hace 2 añosОтличный аддон, без него HD не тянет. Жаль, что сломалась аутентификация в чате. И ещё хотелось бы, чтобы можно было через интерфейс аддона запускать и записи прошлых трансляций.
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Muhammet, el hace 2 añosi cant complain about anything, so glad to the developer. there is slight performance issues when it comes to the HD playing but that is not a huge problem.
- Se valoró con 1 de 5por Usuario de Firefox 17126467, el hace 2 años
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Júlio C. Oliveira, el hace 2 años
- Se valoró con 1 de 5por Arazil, el hace 2 añosThis extension continually looses more functionality due to lack of updates. As of November 2022, chat authentication is broken and ad blocking is inconsistent. I recommend avoiding the alternate player due to its current state of disrepair.
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Max Vi$$er, el hace 2 años> Расширение открывает за вас сундуки с бонусными очками в чате.
Уже не открывает. А при попытке сделать это вручную выдает ошибку получения бонусов
01.2024 - исправлено - Se valoró con 5 de 5por Taco, el hace 2 años
- Se valoró con 1 de 5por Usuario de Firefox 17615754, el hace 2 años