Revisiones de SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube
SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube por Ajay (SponsorBlock)
2436 revisiones
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Th4t, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Nicolò Carpenedo, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por RaXelliX, el hace 3 mesesThe latest 2.0.128 update to Youtube Enhancer seems to conflict with SponsorBlock as the latter no longer skips skippable segments in videos when 2.0.128 is installed. I installed the previous and this fixed it. Just posting here in case someone who uses both sees that SponsorBlock no longer works and thinks it's SponsorBlock's fault, it's not.
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por souvenir, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Skelephant, el hace 3 mesesThis is the single best add-on for YouTube. I just had to write a review to express how incredible it is. There are so many videos/channels that I stopped watching because I was tired of all the sponsored segments interrupting everything. I would have to scrub through them, tediously. Now, it just skips right over them no problem. Truly amazing!
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por 10Meisterbaelle, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por May Mak, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Usuario de Firefox 17900647, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Usuario de Firefox 18678999, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Tyrone, el hace 3 mesesBeing able to consume media without the fluff of sponsors, being reminded to sub, intros and outros built into the video makes this a special addon, especially when you can do it on normal videos and music videos. Not only is this a crowdsourced extension that everyone contributes to, but you can too! If you see a video not have the sponsorblock added, please contribute if it needs it!
It's fantastic at what it does and I cannot recommend it any further than the highest praise. Make sure to check out this developer's work. Very smart, very helpful and very user-friendly! - Se valoró con 5 de 5por 00yunje, el hace 3 mesesedit: removed my reference to the titles since that's from a different extension by the same developer
I just installed this and the difference is night and day. the sponsor cuts are seamless and make the viewing experience so much better. Thank you so much for developing this extension! - Se valoró con 5 de 5por ZimniY, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Usuario de Firefox 18676083, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Mef Buslaev, el hace 3 mesesIt stopped working last week. I love this addon but it just doesn't work :(
P.S. У кого не работает в РФ, во вкладке "разное" поменять адрес сервера на https : //api. sponsor. ajay. app (без пробелов)Respuesta del desarrollador
publicado el hace 3 mesesWhat part stopped working
You can email at dev @ - Se valoró con 5 de 5por JRRSantore, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Usuario de Firefox 18672354, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por spayder26, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por marijn211, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por douglas5005, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Usuario de Firefox 18514209, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Heavyrose, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por Kinhato, el hace 3 meses
- Se valoró con 5 de 5por BeetlePie, el hace 3 meses