Search Filter by Alex Salle
Allows you to make specified domains STAND OUT or DISAPPEAR from Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and StartPage search results.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
Extension Metadata

About this extension
Search Filter - improving your search results since 2012!
2.1.15 fixes filtering on Google
2.1.14 fixes filtering on DDG
2.1.13 renamed extension to Search Filter
2.1.12 fixes dark mode on Google
2.1.11 fixes bug where extension would freeze if highlight/hide clicked before setup
2.1.9 fixes filtering on Google
2.1.8 fixes filtering on Google image search
2.1.7 fixes filtering on Google
2.1.6 added support for StartPage
2.1.5 fixes filtering on Google News
2.1.0 easily create filters directly from search results.
2.0.0 reduced permissions, improved syncing, external filters, support for all searches (images, videos, news included), and support for DuckDuckGo and Bing.
1.0.10 improved performance
1.0.9 far more efficient and now compatible with Firefox
1.0.6 syncing is working again (SSL'd connection to sync server)
1.0.5 updated to support new version of Google Search
1.0.4 added support for https://encrypted.google.com/
1.0.3 significant performance improvements
1.0.2 added support for Google Instant
About Search Filter
This extension is mainly targeted at developers who run API or problem focused searches over and over again. There are usually a handful of sites whose results we prefer, and a handful of sites whose results are poor or worthless.
Search Filter allows you to specify (in developer-friendly fashion) sites whose results you would like see highlighted and sites whose results you never want to see.
In case you use multiple installations of Firefox, this extension allows you to sync your configuration across all installations.
Here is a sample configuration:
To avoid littering the GUI with buttons, the Search Filter button only appears when running searches on Google.
2.1.15 fixes filtering on Google
2.1.14 fixes filtering on DDG
2.1.13 renamed extension to Search Filter
2.1.12 fixes dark mode on Google
2.1.11 fixes bug where extension would freeze if highlight/hide clicked before setup
2.1.9 fixes filtering on Google
2.1.8 fixes filtering on Google image search
2.1.7 fixes filtering on Google
2.1.6 added support for StartPage
2.1.5 fixes filtering on Google News
2.1.0 easily create filters directly from search results.
2.0.0 reduced permissions, improved syncing, external filters, support for all searches (images, videos, news included), and support for DuckDuckGo and Bing.
1.0.10 improved performance
1.0.9 far more efficient and now compatible with Firefox
1.0.6 syncing is working again (SSL'd connection to sync server)
1.0.5 updated to support new version of Google Search
1.0.4 added support for https://encrypted.google.com/
1.0.3 significant performance improvements
1.0.2 added support for Google Instant
About Search Filter
This extension is mainly targeted at developers who run API or problem focused searches over and over again. There are usually a handful of sites whose results we prefer, and a handful of sites whose results are poor or worthless.
Search Filter allows you to specify (in developer-friendly fashion) sites whose results you would like see highlighted and sites whose results you never want to see.
In case you use multiple installations of Firefox, this extension allows you to sync your configuration across all installations.
Here is a sample configuration:
# Make these domains stand out in results
# SPAM - never show these results
# Pull filters from external source
To avoid littering the GUI with buttons, the Search Filter button only appears when running searches on Google.
Rate your experience
PermissionsLearn more
This add-on needs to:
- Access your data for sites in the google.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ac domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ad domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ae domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.af domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.ag domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.ai domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.al domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.am domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.ao domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.ar domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.as domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.at domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.au domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.az domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ba domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.bd domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.be domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.bf domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.bg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.bh domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.bi domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.bj domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.bn domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.bo domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.br domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.bs domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.bt domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.bw domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.by domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.bz domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ca domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.kh domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cc domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cd domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cf domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cat domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ch domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ci domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.ck domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cl domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cm domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cn domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.co domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.cr domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.cu domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cv domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.cy domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.dj domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.dm domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.do domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.dz domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.ec domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ee domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.eg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.es domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.et domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.fj domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.fm domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ga domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ge domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.gf domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.gg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.gh domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.gi domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.gl domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.gm domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.gp domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.gr domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.gt domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.gy domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.hk domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.hn domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.hr domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ht domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.hu domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.id domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.iq domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ie domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.il domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.im domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.in domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.io domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.is domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.it domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.je domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.jm domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.jo domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.jp domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.ke domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ki domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.kg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.kr domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.kw domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.kz domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.la domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.lb domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.lc domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.li domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.lk domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.ls domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.lt domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.lu domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.lv domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.ly domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.ma domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.md domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.me domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.mg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.mk domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ml domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.mm domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.mn domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ms domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.mt domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.mu domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.mv domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.mw domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.mx domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.my domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.mz domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.na domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ne domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.nf domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.ng domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.ni domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.nl domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.no domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.np domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.nr domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.nu domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.nz domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.om domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.pk domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.pa domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.pe domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.ph domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.pg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.pn domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.pr domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ps domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.pt domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.py domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.qa domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ro domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.rs domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ru domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.rw domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.sa domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.sb domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.sc domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.se domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.sg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.sh domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.si domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.sk domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.sl domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.sn domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.sm domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.so domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.st domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.sr domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.sv domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.td domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.tg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.th domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.tj domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.tk domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.tl domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.tm domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.to domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.tn domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.tr domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.tt domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.tw domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.tz domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.ua domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.ug domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.uk domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.uy domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.uz domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.vc domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.ve domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.vg domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.vi domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.com.vn domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.vu domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.ws domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.za domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.zm domain
- Access your data for sites in the google.co.zw domain
- Access your data for sites in the duckduckgo.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the bing.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the startpage.com domain
- Access your data for clobapi.herokuapp.com
- Access your data for duckduckgo.com
- Access your data for bing.com
- Access your data for startpage.com
More information
- Add-on Links
- Version
- 2.1.15
- Size
- 151.97 kB
- Last updated
- a year ago (5 Sep 2023)
- Related Categories
- Licence
- MIT Licence
- Privacy Policy
- Read the privacy policy for this add-on
- Version History
Add to collection
Release notes for 2.1.15
Fixes filtering on Google.
More extensions by Alex Salle
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