Based Highlighter
Pure and simple perfect webpage highlighter. Just select the text, right-click menu option to highlight. All your saved highlights displayed on a single index page, with import/export. Highlights displayed (of course) when you reload the page.
7 users
An unofficial port of GitOwl for firefox. GitOwl provides a sidebar with contextual insights to help you navigate the world of open source.
6 users
Multi Search Context Menu
generates automatic searches from a word list using the context menu.
6 users
Winning Products Tracker For COD Network Affiliate
Cette extension est spécialement conçue pour identifier et suivre efficacement les "produits gagnants" sur la plateforme COD Network Affiliate, permettant aux affiliés de repérer les produits les plus performants et de tester les produits sans ADS
6 users
An extension which allows to be able to be set as the default search engine.
6 users
YouTube Ad Blocker (Advanced)
Blocks YouTube ads by blocking specific network requests and updates a badge showing the count of blocked ads.
6 users
Jobs Filter
A little helper to diminish junk jobs from the feed
6 users
Shift Click Select
Easily select large portions of websites without needing to drag range selectors around, using two simple buttons; "Start Selection" and "Expand Selection". Great for text to speech and other use cases where mobile text select can be problematic.
6 users
A snappy OSINT (open-source intelligence) searching tool that turns your search bar into a dedicated OSINT engine. This add-on is designed to save you time during your osint investigation.
6 users
Search Guard Pro
Protect your privacy on Google searches with advanced security features using this extension.
6 users
It's like a Time Machine for your browser. Search through everything you've seen and find that thing you don't know where you looked up.
6 users
Summarize large texts using Cohere API
5 users
Claude Analyzer
Summerize highlighted text with Claude
5 users
Leetcode FRIENDS
leetcode extension to store usernames of friends.
5 users
Mini World Clock
Mini clock for several time zones
5 users
Haram Blocker, Filter music in background
فلتر يقوم بحظر المحتوى الحرام وتحليل الصوت لعزل الموسيقى الخلفية.
5 users
TMO Redirect Cleaner
Evita que tmo le redirija al cambiar de capítulo
5 users
Consulta los juegos gratuitos de Steam, Epic y más plataformas, además de los descuentos más recientes.
5 users
MediathekView Filter
Filters out keywords from MediathekView results.
4 users
Holy Bible verses hasard
Displays a random Bible verse. Just click on the button and you will have a new Bible verse. God bless you !
4 users
PVYbookmarks extension
Browser Extension for your PVYbookmarks Application, which runs either on PVY@Cloud or on your Appliance for PVY@Home or PVY@Office. No Telemetry Data or Fingerprinting is being sent elsewhere.
4 users
Pure New Tab
A open-source, clean and minimalistic ntp extension.
4 users
Tiira search filter
Add filtering and sorting to the search results
3 users
Scryfall Customizer
An Add-On to extend the shown legalities on scryfall
3 users
1 Tıkla Google Sayfa Hız Testi
1 Tıkla google page speed testi yapın. Eklent simgesine tıklamanız yeterli.
3 users