Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen

It works, in that it connects Thunderbird to your Seafile server.

The issues with it though are;

It uses a token to save the log in so if you change anything at the server end or the password expires etc then you need to delete the link and add it again, you can't edit the token or reset the fields.

When using it with more than one computer your account gets multiple "thunderbird attachments" folders. You can't change the target folder (so you could at least shove them all in the same subfolder rather than in your file root) and there is no way to rename them so you have no idea where they have come from.

When you have multiple large attachments you get prompted to use the Filelink but say you have 5 large photos only 4 get uploaded so most of the time the receiver of the email misses the 1 that was left attached. Would be better if all 5 were sent as links rather than the random break.

All in all, it works, but if I was choosing a service on the strength of this plugin I would look elsewhere.

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen

Really appreciated extension. We run a seafile server, so this a really needed extension. It works out of the box: just add a large file, then thunderbird leads you to the configuration, where you can then add the seafile credentials: server, username and password.

BUT: The password is then replaced by an authentication token. This token expires after some time (hours?). Then you have to re-do the configuration. This problems makes the extension quite useless as a permanent filelink solution. Maybe you find a way for a permanent access to the seafile server (non-expiring token? Storing the seafile password?).

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen

Really cool to see this plugin again on the new TB API .
But why is password replaced by token ... at expiration you need to delete/recreate account ... or i missed thomething ?