Stardust Cookie Cutter
No more cookie consent pop-ups and all data privacy included. Also available on iPhones (iOS 15+) and other major browsers.
269 Benutzer
Schnelles löschen der Chronik - Quickly delete the chronicle
263 Benutzer
Email Extractor Lite
Powerful solution to automatically extract bulk emails from websites. Unlimited and free extraction service.
263 Benutzer
Burp Proxy
Vigrahak Burp Proxy is a BurpSuite Proxy extension designed for ethical hackers, bug hunters, and penetration testers. It offers robust interception and analysis capabilities, seamlessly integrated into your workflow.
243 Benutzer
AWS SSO Extender
Demo: ⭐ Quickly access your Favorite AWS SSO apps 🎨 Customize your profiles, roles & AWS console 🔑 Assume IAM roles from your SSO profiles 🦊 Open the AWS console in Firefox Containers
242 Benutzer
Cloudflare Optics
Cloudflare Optics is a browser extension that helps display interesting information when you visit a site, particularly if that site is proxied through Cloudflare.
230 Benutzer
AdBlock Secure
Erleben Sie ununterbrochenes Surfen auf Facebook, YouTube und allen anderen Websites mit unserer werbefreien, Pop-up- und Tracker-freien Lösung. Genießen Sie eine nahtlose Online-Reise ohne den Ärger mit aufdringlicher Werbung oder lästigen Pop-ups.
229 Benutzer | Developer news
Keep up with the latest developer news with Hackertab
225 Benutzer
DualSafe Password Manager & Digital Vault
DualSafe Password Manager hilft Ihnen bei der sicheren Passwörterverwaltung und den automatischen Speichern & Ausfüllen.
215 Benutzer
Companion browser extension app for mSecure, providing automated help for online account management.
213 Benutzer
Eval Villain
Hook native JavaScript functions before page load to see how a website uses them. Narrow down output based on the appearance of URL and session artifacts, user configured strings/regex, blacklists and more.
209 Benutzer
Kron Http-Proxy Web Extension
This extension minimizes the user interaction while logging in to the Kron Http-Proxy solution by automating the proxy authentication process.
207 Benutzer
ATT&CK Powered Suit
Powered Suit puts the MITRE ATT&CK® knowledge base at your fingertips. Instantly search ATT&CK techniques, groups, and more.
193 Benutzer
Rentgen to wtyczka, która automatycznie wizualizuje, jakie dane zostały ~~wykradzione~~ wysłane do podmiotów trzecich przez odwiedzane strony. Pozwala wygenerować raport lub treść maila, który można wysłać do administratora strony i/lub UODO.
191 Benutzer
CactusVPN - VPN, Proxy and Smart DNS
Hide your IP address and bypass blocks and restrictions
191 Benutzer
Make web page text unreadable
186 Benutzer
Opt Out - automated GDPR and CCPA requests
Get the websites you visit to send you a copy of, or delete the personal information that they have collected on you.
185 Benutzer
My IP Address Checker: Test IP + IPv6 + VPN
Displays IP address info and details like location + VPN usage when clicking on the IP button
178 Benutzer
Tresorit für Gmail
Teilen Sie Dateien und Ordner auf sicherem Weg mit Tresorit, ohne Ihre Gmail-Inbox zu verlassen.
176 Benutzer
Safe Web
Web filter. Blocker for porn, malicious and adult sites.
173 Benutzer - Phishing | Malware Scanner tool designed to detect and prevent phishing attempts. Discover potential phishing with the linked web page.
166 Benutzer
Wiederkehrende E-Mails für Gmail
Versendet Ihre E-Mails zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt einmalig oder wiederkehrend alle X Stunden/Tage/Monate/Jahre
165 Benutzer
This browser extension helps you fill logins and credit cards using information stored in Secrets running locally on your Mac or remotely on your iOS device.
161 Benutzer
Private Notes
Private Notes gives you safe, fully encrypted place for your Top Secret notes! Ideal for storing recovery codes, WiFi passwords, access tokens, server configs...
159 Benutzer
Steganos Passwort-Manager
Steganos Passwort-Manager Extension. Speichert und füllt Passwörter automatisch aus.
158 Benutzer