Copy Selected Tabs to Clipboard
Provides ability to copy title and URL of selected tabs to the clipboard.
1.887 Benutzer
Rich shortcuts for you to click links / switch tabs / scroll pages or DIVs / capture full page or DIV etc, let you use the browser like vim, plus an embed vim editor. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1.851 Benutzer
Tab Open/Close Control
bestimme die Position des neuen Tabs und definiere welcher Tab nach dem schließen aktiviert wird
1.846 Benutzer
Maximize Video
Maximize HTML5/Flash video and fill current tab.
1.827 Benutzer
Audio Equalizer and Amplifier
Globally control audio equalization and volume level of media elements
1.827 Benutzer
Live Start Page - Speed Dial
Live new tab page the best speed dial extension with living photos in your browser, weather, to-do list, and bookmark tiles
1.816 Benutzer
Equalizer for YouTube™
Audio equalizer for YouTube and embedded videos.
1.776 Benutzer
Container Tabs Sidebar
Show tabs in a sidebar grouped by privacy containers.
1.766 Benutzer
Open in Chrome™
Open links in Google Chrome
1.764 Benutzer
Copy as Markdown
Copy Links, Tabs & Images as Markdown via right clicks.
1.755 Benutzer
This extension allows you to customize the favicon for a given url.
1.754 Benutzer
Fullscreen Plus
Full screen websites without address/tabs bar. Use Ctrl+Shift+F to enter Fullscreen
1.753 Benutzer
Incognito This Tab
Open the current tab in an incognito (private) window, and remove it from the browsing history.
1.737 Benutzer
Open With Internet Download Manager
Open and download desired links with internet download manager.
1.723 Benutzer
Open Links in Tabs
Opens selected links in new tabs 1. Highlight a selection using left click 2. Right click and the option will be in the context menu Source code at Github
1.714 Benutzer
Save Working Session
Easy to save current working tabs and restore when you come back.
1.711 Benutzer
URLs List
Dieses Add-on zeigt eine Liste der URLs aller Tabs im aktuellen Fenster zum kopieren in eine Text-Datei an. Außerdem ist es möglich eine URL Liste in einzelnen Tabs zu öffnen.
1.703 Benutzer
New window without toolbar
Open current page in new window without toolbar.
1.685 Benutzer
Print Preview Button
Open the Print Preview to view a page before printing it. Paper costs money (and trees) so it is worth checking what the page looks like before you print it. Though it has always amazed me just how much the button gets downloaded.
1.683 Benutzer
My Homepage
My Homepage is a very useful extension which loads your Home Page whenever you open a new tab.
1.673 Benutzer
Tab Mix - Rename Tab
Provides a simple interface to change tab title and option to use bookmark name as tab title. This extensions is part of the new Tab Mix WebExtension collection that will eventually replace the legacy Tab Mix Plus extensions.
1.671 Benutzer
Custom New Tab Page
Specify a custom URL to be shown when opening a new tab, **without changing the address bar content**.
1.670 Benutzer
Session Manager
Allows users to more easily manage work sessions and bookmarks.
1.663 Benutzer
Backspace Enabler
Re-enable disabled by default ability to hit the Backspace key to go back to the previous page. Backspace Enabler gets this functionality, while keeping ability to delete text while in text box. PLEASE POST FEEDBACK / REVIEW
1.658 Benutzer
Tab Sidebar
Adds a sidebar with foldable tabs.
1.653 Benutzer