Audio Downloader Prime
Easily download most popular audio formats.
15.082 Benutzer
Impulse Blocker
Blockieren Sie Webseiten, die Sie ablenken. Fügen Sie einfach die Seiten hinzu, die Impulse Blocker pausieren oder blockieren soll.
14.566 Benutzer
Daily Top Coupons & Custom Web Search
Install the Daily Top Coupons & Custom Web Search extension to get the latest coupons, deals & offers by clicking the favicon on the toolbar & enjoy Yahoo® search from your browser.
14.556 Benutzer
JavaScript Toggle On and Off (WebExtension)
Toggle JavaScript engine on and off the easy way
14.324 Benutzer
Joplin Web Clipper
Capture and save web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin. The Joplin application is required to get this extension working - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
14.304 Benutzer
Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin
Easily add (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) rule to the response header.
14.073 Benutzer
Lean Library
The Lean Library extension is a free tool which assists your library in delivering their services directly into your research workflow in more ways than one!
13.985 Benutzer
DF YouTube (Distraction Free)
Allow yourself to focus while using YouTube for work, recreation or education. Disable autoplay, remove sidebar, hide feed, comments, and more.
13.915 Benutzer
add javascript that will run on this domain. back up your scripts in the options area (shortcut there by clicking the "JS" letters in the bottom right)
13.836 Benutzer
Toggl Track: Productivity & Time Tracker
Puts a timer into any web tool and allows quick real time productivity tracking with all the data stored on your Toggl Track account. Time tracking has never been easier!
13.733 Benutzer
Skip Redirect
Some web pages use intermediary pages before redirecting to a final page. This add-on tries to extract the final url from the intermediary url and goes there straight away if successful.
13.634 Benutzer
Empty Cache Button
Cache clearing made easy. One click.
13.264 Benutzer
Grammalecte [fr]
Correcteur grammatical dédié à la langue française. Inclus : conjugueur, lexicographe, formateur de texte et dictionnaires orthographiques.
13.242 Benutzer
Fake Filler
A form filler that fills all form inputs (textboxes, textareas, radio buttons, dropdowns, etc.) with fake and randomly generated data. The purpose of this extension is to help developers and testers test forms quickly and easily.
13.224 Benutzer
YouTube™ to MP3
Convert & download YouTube videos to MP3 with just one click!
13.154 Benutzer
Breez ClickOnce
Breez ClickOnce enables ClickOnce support in Mozilla Firefox. It is required to be able to launch any Windows Forms or Windows Presentation Foundation application that is based on Microsoft's ClickOnce technology.
12.831 Benutzer
Progressive Web Apps for Firefox
A tool to install, manage and use Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in Mozilla Firefox
12.584 Benutzer
Url to QrCode
an add-on for convert URLs to Qr Code.
12.061 Benutzer
Fonts Ninja
Speed up your design workflow!
11.975 Benutzer
A simple, secure and fast Cardano ADA wallet. Your gateway to the financial world.
11.930 Benutzer
Blocks cryptocurrency miners all over the web.
11.918 Benutzer
Speed Dial 2
Speed Dial 2 ist ein ultimativer Ersatz der neuen Registerkarte, mit schnellem Zugriff auf Ihre am häufigsten besuchten Seiten, Lesezeichen und den Browser-Verlauf.
11.764 Benutzer
A REST client for almost any web service.
11.648 Benutzer
Avast Online Security & Privacy
Sichern Sie Ihren Mozilla Firefox Browser in Echtzeit vor Online-Bedrohungen, -Trackern und -Scams.
10.897 Benutzer
YouTube Search Engine
Adds YouTube search engine to search engines.
10.720 Benutzer