YouTube Clickbait-Buster von BLBC
Check whether it's worth watching a video before actually clicking on it by peeking it's visual or verbal content, description, comments, viewing the thumbnail in full-size and displaying the full title.
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Über diese Erweiterung
Sometimes you see a video in your recommendations with an interesting title or eye-catching thumbnail and clicks on it, just to find out the content wasn't what you were expecting or it was a clickbait. This extension enables you to take a closer look on the video content before actually clicking on it, by peeking the:
You can also view the:
To do that, you just need to click on the recommended video's menu (the three dots button) and choose the option you want. It works on pretty much all pages, and is compatible with both YouTube's desktop and mobile layouts, and dark theme.
Peek video content
When you peek the video content, it's shown to you the video's storyboard, which is a series of snapshots from the video in different moments from the beginning to the end. You can click the timestamps to open the video directly in the part you are interested in.
Peek audio transcription
While the "Peek video content" feature enables you to check the visual content of the video, the "Peek audio transcription" feature enables you to check the verbal content. This is most useful for videos that are just someone talking about something, or videos that you don't know exactly what it is about and you just need to peek the first few spoken sentences where the presenter explains it.
You can click the timestamps to open the video directly in the part you are interested in. You also have the option of choosing a language to which the transcript should be translated, and in the extension's settings you can set a preferred language which the transcript should always be in.
Peek description
Some videos add a summary of the video content in the description, and others elaborate a little more on what the video is about, which is an alternative for confirming the video's subject.
Peek comments
The "Peek comments" feature makes you able to check what the viewers think of the video in a minimalist interface.
Peeking the comments is useful for cases when there's something clearly incorrect in the video and at least someone in the comments points that out, or when you're not really interested in the video, but only in what people say about the subject. This can also be used as an alternative method for confirming what the video is about or its content.
Peek channel
When you peek a channel a small viewport is opened so you can take a look on the video's channel content and even watch videos without leaving the page.
This is useful to make sure whether you can hide the whole channel from your recommendations, or just to take a look on the channel's other videos.
View high-res thumbnail
You can also view the video cover (thumbnail) in the highest resolution available.
Full titles
Additionally, the extension also makes all titles be displayed in full, without any trimming or ellipsis.
- Video content
- Audio transcription or subtitles
- Description
- Comments
- Channel
You can also view the:
- Thumbnail in the highest resolution available
- Full titles
To do that, you just need to click on the recommended video's menu (the three dots button) and choose the option you want. It works on pretty much all pages, and is compatible with both YouTube's desktop and mobile layouts, and dark theme.
Peek video content
When you peek the video content, it's shown to you the video's storyboard, which is a series of snapshots from the video in different moments from the beginning to the end. You can click the timestamps to open the video directly in the part you are interested in.
Peek audio transcription
While the "Peek video content" feature enables you to check the visual content of the video, the "Peek audio transcription" feature enables you to check the verbal content. This is most useful for videos that are just someone talking about something, or videos that you don't know exactly what it is about and you just need to peek the first few spoken sentences where the presenter explains it.
You can click the timestamps to open the video directly in the part you are interested in. You also have the option of choosing a language to which the transcript should be translated, and in the extension's settings you can set a preferred language which the transcript should always be in.
Peek description
Some videos add a summary of the video content in the description, and others elaborate a little more on what the video is about, which is an alternative for confirming the video's subject.
Peek comments
The "Peek comments" feature makes you able to check what the viewers think of the video in a minimalist interface.
Peeking the comments is useful for cases when there's something clearly incorrect in the video and at least someone in the comments points that out, or when you're not really interested in the video, but only in what people say about the subject. This can also be used as an alternative method for confirming what the video is about or its content.
Peek channel
When you peek a channel a small viewport is opened so you can take a look on the video's channel content and even watch videos without leaving the page.
This is useful to make sure whether you can hide the whole channel from your recommendations, or just to take a look on the channel's other videos.
View high-res thumbnail
You can also view the video cover (thumbnail) in the highest resolution available.
Full titles
Additionally, the extension also makes all titles be displayed in full, without any trimming or ellipsis.
About the permissions:
- "Access your data for www.youtube.com and m.youtube.com" actually means that YouTube Clickbait-Buster will only run on these two domains and not in other sites. YCB never accesses any of your data, and there's no reason why it would do so.
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BerechtigungenWeitere Informationen
Dieses Add-on muss:
- Auf Ihre Daten für www.youtube.com zugreifen
- Auf Ihre Daten für m.youtube.com zugreifen
Weitere Informationen
- Add-on-Links
- Version
- 2.0.8
- Größe
- 30,3 KB
- Zuletzt aktualisiert
- vor 10 Monaten (15. Apr. 2024)
- Verwandte Kategorien
- Lizenz
- Custom License
- Versionsgeschichte
- Schlagwörter
Zur Sammlung hinzufügen
Versionshinweise für 2.0.8
Adapted to recent changes in YouTube's endpoint that broke Peek Comments. The replies still need to be fixed, so they aren't working yet.
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