Video Ads Blocker in Youtube™ von hemu inc.
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Let YouTube no ads. Auto skip ads when watching YouTube videos.
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Über diese Erweiterung
Video Ads Blocker in Youtube™ is a content filtering and ad blocking browser extension which blocks all ads on Youtube™.It allows users to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being displayed. Banner, Ad-Clips or even preroll ads you usually see before the actual video on Youtube are blocked by this extension.
Removes ads from Youtube™.
✓ Permissions: like common ad-blocking extensions we do need default permissions on every website to remove ads or popups for example on embedded videos and Youtube itself.
ⓘ About
Video Ads Blocker in Youtube™ is a content filtering and ad blocking browser extension which blocks all ads on Youtube™.
It allows users to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being displayed.
Banner, Ad-Clips or even preroll ads you usually see before the actual video on Youtube are blocked by this extension.
+ blocks ads, banner and popups
+ blocking of ads on external sites which load Youtube
+ prevent preroll ads from loading on Youtube
+ you can also remove annotations from videos and musics (see options page).
+ loads videos and YouTube website faster.
The technology is simply based on adblocking filterlists which blocks external ad urls on Youtube. We do not change anything on the website itself.
Adblock for Youtube boosts the performance to load websites (without ads and tracking)
It is free to download and use!
✓ Privacy
Any video adblock detection happens on your computer and we do not see or track.
Removes ads from Youtube™.
✓ Permissions: like common ad-blocking extensions we do need default permissions on every website to remove ads or popups for example on embedded videos and Youtube itself.
ⓘ About
Video Ads Blocker in Youtube™ is a content filtering and ad blocking browser extension which blocks all ads on Youtube™.
It allows users to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being displayed.
Banner, Ad-Clips or even preroll ads you usually see before the actual video on Youtube are blocked by this extension.
+ blocks ads, banner and popups
+ blocking of ads on external sites which load Youtube
+ prevent preroll ads from loading on Youtube
+ you can also remove annotations from videos and musics (see options page).
+ loads videos and YouTube website faster.
The technology is simply based on adblocking filterlists which blocks external ad urls on Youtube. We do not change anything on the website itself.
Adblock for Youtube boosts the performance to load websites (without ads and tracking)
It is free to download and use!
✓ Privacy
Any video adblock detection happens on your computer and we do not see or track.
Bewertung Ihres Eindrucks
BerechtigungenWeitere Informationen
Dieses Add-on muss:
- Auf Browsertabs zugreifen
- Auf Browseraktivität während Seitenwechsel zugreifen
- Auf Ihre Daten für diverse Websites zugreifen
Weitere Informationen
- Add-on-Links
- Version
- 1.5.0
- Größe
- 261,88 KB
- Zuletzt aktualisiert
- vor 3 Monaten (19. Nov. 2024)
- Verwandte Kategorien
- Lizenz
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Datenschutzrichtlinie
- Lesen Sie die Datenschutzrichtlinie für dieses Add-on
- Versionsgeschichte
- Schlagwörter
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