Bewertungen für Enforce SafeSearch
Enforce SafeSearch von serv-inc
4 Bewertungen
- Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternenvon, vor 2 JahrenGood addon but it's a pain for me to use Youtube. In about:addons under options I can only select "moderate". Is there another way to lower Youtube's strictness? I saw at the github's site within the wiki that you can edit the json file. And I did. But I can't seem to follow from there. Can you help me? What are the next steps if I don't have Linux? Or is it not possible to do this on Windows? I tried zipping the folder, renaming it to xpi and injecting it with Nightly by also removing something in about:config about addons being signed, but it didn't work cause it said the file was corrupt. Thank you for your time.
- Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternenvon Thijs Douwes, vor 6 JahrenThis is very good, but it keeps forgetting the setting for YouTube leniency. I'm on Firefox 64 on Ubuntu.
Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 6 JahrenPlease check if fixed for you. If the problem persists, please raise an issue at github. - Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternenvon cucumber, vor 7 Jahrenbeing able to disable certain sites from getting blocked, for example I don't want YT to get blocked. And reddit doesn't really work (can easily view everything after clicking yes I'm 18).
Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 6 JahrenYT now has a configuration option: try out the "lenient" setting and please report if you need anything else.
PS: if the reddit problem persists, please file a bug report at ! - Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternenvon alainternaute, vor 7 JahrenMerci pour cet excellent addon. Mais je dois le désactiver pour pouvoir lire les vidéos YouTube.
Thanks for this excellent addon. But I must disable it to play YouTube videos.Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 6 JahrenJe vous en prie. L'addon a recu une option pour YouTube. Cela vous laisse lire tous les vidéos non-adultes.
You're welcome. The addon now has an option for YouTube to view restricted, but not adult, content.