Bewertungen für Patreon Helper
Patreon Helper von draconigen
Antwort von draconigen
Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 2 JahrenThe addon attempts to keep track of the files it has already downloaded to avoid re-downloading them. This happens within the addon, regardless of your download folder's contents.
However, there is an attachment option that would serve files in a way impossible for the addon to keep track of, hence those files will be downloaded again with every visit. You will recognize them by their file name, consisting of the timestamp of download and a randomized number.
However, there is an attachment option that would serve files in a way impossible for the addon to keep track of, hence those files will be downloaded again with every visit. You will recognize them by their file name, consisting of the timestamp of download and a randomized number.
23 Bewertungen
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 18711624, vor 2 Monaten
- Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13243261, vor 2 Monaten
- Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternenvon Ryan McLaughlin, vor 8 Monaten
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon phenrypereira, vor einem JahrExtensão maravilhosa! Deixo aqui meu parabém ao dev. Agilizou muito minha vida.
- Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternenvon xilorf, vor einem Jahr
- Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon laundmo, vor 2 Jahrenstarted downloading everything, no ability to disable. no ui at all, had to uninstall to stop the flood of random content. it also wasnt downloading text posts.
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Done25, vor 2 JahrenI super duper love it, but sometimes stuff gets downloaded to the root, instead of into a specific creator folder, or it ends up in "unknown".
I also wish there was a way to enable batch downloading, instead of sequential. I know I saw the add on do it once, where it started multiple downloads at the same time, and made things a lot faster.
It would also be nice if there was some way to download everything at once, instead of having to click "load more" at the bottom of the page 50+ times. T_TAntwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 2 JahrenThank you for your input! These ideas are all good and have in fact been around for a while now. They might be implemented one day, if a developer finds the time to.
As for the seemingly random download destination: there are multiple ways for Patreon to serve files, some of which allow to specify a download location, some don't. And then for those that do, the creator's name may not be known. The addon strives not to miss any file, hence some files get downloaded multiple times, and sometimes in a "best guess" directory. - Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternenvon Blatogh, vor 2 Jahren
- Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 17802743, vor 2 Jahrenwould be nice to have an option to toggle downloading files again - otherwise very nice and easy to use. Just have to figure out how to try and redownload files ive cleared from the download history... wish that was a clear feature/toggle
- Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 17705300, vor 2 JahrenAround the time I used this add-on my credit card details were swiped and I got a lot of spam emails on the associated google account. Not sure if both events correlate but it was an inconvenience to deal with, the add-on works well enough at downloading things on Patreon ultimately.
- Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternenvon TomTrustworthy, vor 2 JahrenThis works very well! At first I was worried it would just scrap the page for the post images rather than the attachments on each post. But it got those as well!
Is there any settings or anything that would let me specify I just want the attachments to each post? Or something that remembers the last time I checked this specific patreon page so it will not try to download everything from the past? I would like to organize the folder that everything was downloaded into but I worry it will just redownload everything once I delete or add folders to that 'patreon' folder it created.Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 2 JahrenThe addon attempts to keep track of the files it has already downloaded to avoid re-downloading them. This happens within the addon, regardless of your download folder's contents.
However, there is an attachment option that would serve files in a way impossible for the addon to keep track of, hence those files will be downloaded again with every visit. You will recognize them by their file name, consisting of the timestamp of download and a randomized number. - Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon Null, vor 2 Jahrendoesn't seem to work on mac, opens multiple windows all returning a "Not Authorized" error message in the JSON
{"error":{"messages":["Not Authorized"],"type":"not_authorized"}}Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 2 JahrenInteresting insight, thanks for that. I ran a very quick research to figure out if Firefox is using a different Engine on MacOS (which could possibly impose a security mechanism I'm not aware about), but that seems to be restricted to iOS.
I'm afraid that won't be anything I can fix, other than to note this incompatibility on the addon's store page, sorry.
P.S.: Hmm, according to AMO, >10% of all users are on MacOS, but the information doesn't go any deeper than that. I suspect a version or even a configuration issue. - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon kurohiro, vor 2 JahrenIt's a great addon.
I also searched for add-ons on chrome, but this was the only batch download that included attachments.
However, there are two things I would like you to correct.
1. I want you to be able to start the download manually instead of automatically.
2. Bug fixes
When I downloaded it, some files were downloaded to a strange path.
Download:Firefox download path
Assume that User1's A.mp4 file is abnormal.
Multiple files were downloaded as above, and one was stored in _unknown. - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Denis, vor 3 Jahren
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 16944878, vor 4 JahrenExactly what I needed. As others pointed out, you need to watch out for the recent download tabs and redownload whatever fails. For a tiny fraction of them I had to download them manually, but since they keep the filenames, I knew where to look for them.
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Spessman137, vor 4 JahrenWorks beautifully - enter the creator's patreon page while logged in (and pledged) and the addon will immidiately begin downloading everything that is loaded.
Keep scrolling down, wait a moment for previous downloads to finish, then click the Load More button below to get another batch of downloads started automatically. Rinse and repeat until the entire page is downloaded.
Some downloads failed, but I fixed those easily by going into "Show All Downloads" in firefox and just manually clicking the curved cicrle arrow icon to "try again", after which it downloaded those broken files correctly.
5/5 - Excellent addon! - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 16800399, vor 4 JahrenNo issues, works just as you'd hope. Thanks
- Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon Bluez360, vor 4 JahrenOn Mac its the most random unorganized mess. I can't find an icom for it and it downloads automatically with no rhyme or reason. The only positive is that its fairly quick.
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Nikolay Raspopov, vor 5 Jahren
- Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternenvon Rockadile, vor 5 JahrenEdit: v1.8 auto failing download bug fixed in v1.10
Still would prefer this to work more like "Downloader for OnlyFans" add-on where there are custom download buttons embedded onto the feed because re-installing Patreon Helper loses track of what's already downloaded.
It has worked well with creators that had 500 total images or less and averages 20 photos per post. I've had problems with two creators. First one has a total of 11k images and average 30 photos per post, the add-on will download the first 15 or so post but then it won't download anymore even if I refresh or load more posts. Second one has 200 total images and has one image per post, it seems they upload different photos with reused filenames which I think messes up the add-on. It will skip photos and eventually stop downloading them. The add-on only seems to work on your homepage feed or creator's profile feed, not on individual posts ( domain). These limitations might be because of how Patreon works and not the add-on but hope some can be worked around. - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13266471, vor 5 Jahren