Bewertungen für Nuke Anything Enhanced
Nuke Anything Enhanced von Patrick Abi Salloum
41 Bewertungen
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13950192, vor 7 Jahren
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Strelets_A, vor 7 JahrenОчень удобное дополнение для подготовки вывода на печать страницы без лишнего контента.
Таких дополнений мало. Данное дополнение - одно из лучших. Использую очень давно! Есть, конечно, и недостатки, но автор над ними работает, что достойно уважения! - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Idan Nabara, vor 7 Jahren
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 5695681, vor 7 Jahren
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon M@yeulC, vor 7 Jahren
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 6490726, vor 7 JahrenThis plugin is really useful for those pesky pages that put overlays over the page or images to make you register. Just nuke them ;) !
I hate Mozilla for what they are doing to Firefox in the recent versions, crippling the possibilities of extensions almost to the point where they are visual sugar (at least it feels like that compared to what extensions could do), but that's not this extensions fault.
Question: is it possible to call a function to trigger the nuke from a mouse gesture? Before 2.0 I called "NukeAnything.doNukeSelection" or "NukeAnything.doNukeAnything" (together with setting "" to the "") from a custom script for the gesture. Now it tells me NukeAnything is not defined.Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenThat is an interesting hack you did there.
The NukeAnything object is still defined but it seems the new security measures in firefox restrict the scope access to this object. So you cannot access it from anywhere else but the extension itself.
I think there must be a was to explicitly add a possibility for other scripts to send messages to it.
I will add that it to the TODO list for next update :-)
Can you drop me a mail with more info about your setup so I can test and make sure it works? What are you using to trigger the gestures? - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon roflsunriz, vor 7 JahrenI have been loved this addon and I really glad to see still alive with FF57+
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Taurean, vor 7 JahrenIt works just fine. For accessibility, however, it'd be better if you could change the "x" key to simple mouse click for users not able to use physical keyboards and mouse at the same time.
EDIT: CTRL + Click is fantastic! Thanks!Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenYou can already do [ctrl] + click to remove an item ( it's not a simple click so you can still make selections and remove them) - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Daniel Saner, vor 7 JahrenI'm very, very glad that you decided to update/revive this add-on and allow it to transition into the WebExtensions world. Like many people who use it, I quickly found it to be one of my most useful extensions that I really don't want to browse the web without anymore.
I'm quite sad at the usability issues that are forced by Firefox, because they make using the add-on a lot more cumbersome than it used to be. From the looks of it, not allowing an extension to add multiple top-level context menu entries is one of the major gripes people have, and I totally understand. Your workaround is a decent temporary fix, but I really hope Firefox developers will lift this restriction very, very soon. It's just not acceptable to put that kind of restriction. Also, it's completely ridiculous that they don't allow customisation of shortcuts, because that actually *increases* incompatibilities between extensions, rather than reducing it.
I'm still giving you the full five stars, since there's no point in criticising you for issues that are 100% down to the short-sightedness and incompetent decisions on Mozilla's side. I hope the users of your extension, and others suffering from the same inane limitations, will build enough momentum to beat Mozilla into coming to their senses. - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon dorxter, vor 7 JahrenThanks for making it compatible with the latest Mozilla update! I really like the [x] and [u] shortcuts, they make it easier to use.
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13335060, vor 7 Jahren[update 2017-10-05]
It now has the option to toggle active mode using the menu/mouse, so I'm satisfied with that. Thanks for the quick update! My only other minor quabble is that things don't seem to highlight the way they did in 1.x - e.g. a horizontal bar (my niche need) doesn't highlight at all, but I was still able to delete it.
[end update]
This has been a go-to add-on for years, but the new version has some usability issues (aside from those forced by Firefox).
If you use the Firefox setting where typing results in a text search, the Activate Nuke option by key doesn't work. This means I'm limited to the "Remove this object" option, which no longer highlights the object to be removed.
I use Nuke to help minimize content before creating a PDF, and sometimes need very specific things removed where the mouse has to be at exactly the right spot (like removing horizontal bars). The highlighting made that possible. Now, I have to try/fail/try repeat, and it's not good.
Perhaps if the Activate Nuke could be toggled by mouse instead of keystroke, or by menu icon like Page Eraser on Chrome.Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenI can do that...
[edit] This is now supported in ver 2.1, you can [ctrl]+click to remove items instead of using the keyboard. - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon derek328, vor 7 JahrenI've been a big fan of this plugin for well over 4 years now, but the new FF policy change is leading Nuke Anything Enhanced to some unnecessary UX issues..
- Can you please change the contextual menu logo to a graytone color + slightly smaller size?
- Can we move "Activate..." away as an option box in Add-on Manager? It isn't really a mission-critical function and as a UX designer, I don't see myself using it anywhere as often as undo or remove.
Edit: Thank you for getting back to me, and updating the add-on so quickly! Edited rating to 5-stars!!Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenI think if you have more than one element to remove, or if you need precision the new [Nuke when you press X] mode is much better ( since i can't indicate which element will be removed with [Remove this] anymore).
Activate it, press [x] on a few items then [esc].
I've added a todo about the icon colors in the next update.
For the size, i am using what mozilla recommends... Don't know if making it smaller will still display well on all devices/resolutions.
[edit] This is now supported in ver 2.1, you can go to the options and remove the items you don't want.
Also the icon in the menu is has more muted colors like you requested. - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon basa, vor 7 JahrenAn all time favourite. Unfortunately, the [X]-feature in version 2 doesn't go well with the "Search for text when you start typing"-feature. The Control-click alternative doesn't seem to work on a Mac. I still love this extension though. A must have.
Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenThis is now supported in ver 2.1, after you enter the [x] mode you can [ctrl]+click to remove items instead of using the keyboard. - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon iana, vor 7 Jahrena good addon updated to webext
I was afraid this would be one of those addons that would die off with FF 57 but the author has updated it and it's working good, there might be a few things to polish off
tank you developer - Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon xKiv, vor 7 JahrenThe new "delete with X" mode is even better than my old "right click, R" method of quick-nuking.
But the one thing that I would miss is "remove selection". Nothing else allows me to just (multi)select everything I want gone, and then make it gone without tedious clickery (or exploration of the page's DOM).
(ETA: by that I mean it's a great feature that works ("would miss"), not that it's not working (I would write that as "do miss").
When I saw this addon update without a "LEGACY" label next to it, I got way more excited than any other addon got me.Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenRemove selection , (and remove everything except selection) should work. If they are not working then it is a bug i must have introduced. Can you confirm?