Bewertungen für Handy Screenshot
Handy Screenshot von Taining
Bewertungen von cdo
Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen
von cdo, vor 7 JahrenWorks well as long as the web page is not zoomed in Firefox. If zoom is enabled, area capture grabs from unzoomed web page (you don't know what it's grabbing). Zoom is good for getting higher pixel resolution for a small area; capture needs to grab the screen, not the page.
Terrific response time, and a good fix. It works as expected with zoom enabled. Thanks very much! cdo
Terrific response time, and a good fix. It works as expected with zoom enabled. Thanks very much! cdo
Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenThanks for pointing out this bug, cdo. I just published v1.2.1 to support taking screenshots on zoomed pages. Try it out, and let me know if you have any other problem with it. Feature request is also welcome