Bewertungen für FoxyProxy Standard
FoxyProxy Standard von Eric Jung, erosman
162 Bewertungen
- Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon JD Baldwin, vor 7 JahrenWAY WAY WAY over-complex. I just want simple SIMPLE management of proxy switching. There were so many great little apps to do this but now the only proxy manager the new versions of FF accepts is this godawful thing. It's completely incomprehensible. I can't get a little quick-switch button on the toolbar. I have a master's degree in computer science and I've been working in IT for over 25 years -- AND I CANNOT MAKE THIS THING WORK. Please give us a stripped-down version that just does simple, straightforward proxy-switching without all the crazy baked in.
- Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon lfkempe, vor 7 JahrenSeriously? Permission to download files and change download history? sounds sketchy...
Otherwise I have been using foxyproxy for 5+ years or so and love it, and I understand firefox >= 57 is a big change and it will probably take some time to get thing working as it should again, but i won't use a plugin with those permissions.Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenThe previous FoxyProxy, which you've been using for 5 years, had those permissions and even more: in fact, it had unfettered access to your entire computer (just like every other legacy Firefox addon). It had the ability format your hard drive or steal your passwords. That's because Firefox 56 and earlier didn't have restrictions for addons... at all. The new version of FoxyProxy is much more restricted because of this permissions system.
Permission to "download files" is required for exporting your settings to a file (which you can then share to other devices for importing). That is how Firefox chose to allow add-ons to write to the local filesytem: you have to trick Firefox into thinking that writing a file (your exported settings) is really a download. The "download history" permission is required simply because Firefox does not allow add-ons to specify just "download files" without "download history". Internally, nothing is done with download history. This is open source software and you can view the code yourself at - Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon RussC, vor 7 JahrenThis is a giant step back from the wonderful functionality I've come to enjoy as a professional. I realise that this is free software but as it stands right now I am looking for the old version and I will be seeking an alternative.
So much functionality has been lost and a terrifying new GUI put in place, as a professional who relies on the ability to switch proxies I can no longer recommend this to anyone other than a user who has very simple needs.
I can understand that you may need to make progress at some point but really this should've stayed at an Alpha/Beta stage until the majority of features worked.
I wonder how much damage has been done to your reputation for switching this addon in such a state and I really worry for the future of FoxyProxy. - Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon Xavier Haenen, vor 7 JahrenLast update removed my proxies and trying to import an old save export file doesn't work????
In the old version you could choose socks and now not more?
When will you fix this?Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenLook for SOCKS under "Proxy Type" when adding a new proxy. It is there. - Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon took, vor 7 JahrenThis is crazy! All the previous settings are gone, and even worse, the new version does not work at all!! It also has so few options/functions that it is not possible to set up the proxy and patterns as in the old version.
- Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13272598, vor 7 JahrenVery annoying and disruptive to lose all my saved proxies and rules on the most recent update
- Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13272584, vor 7 JahrenMy Proxies are gone. No way to revert and in the new version not all features are available.
From best to worst in a single update. - Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon noisegate95, vor 7 JahrenWith no warning, all my proxies are deleted - with one simple behind the scenes and silent update. Now I have to go find my backup, grab the xml, restore the older version, and restore the file. Just what I feel like doing on a Monday morning, at work.
No way to import as the button does nothing.
Working with Firefox, and all its extensions, if just getting too damn difficult anymore. - Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13272340, vor 7 JahrenРазрабы одним махом запоганили замечательное предложение которое исправно работало много лет.
Хотя бы предупредили что будут удалены все прокси. Как их сейчас восстановить? Как? - Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13272183, vor 7 JahrenNot work with squid based proxy, I had to goback to the 4.6 version
- Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13271949, vor 7 JahrenFrom last update nothing works anymore
- Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13271832, vor 7 JahrenMy main request = force "no proxy" as greyed out in standard Firefox settings (blocked by my company). Does not work any more in 5.0.0 as many features were removed. Sad!
Update after reply from the developer: sadly it doesn't work anymore. With previous versions, I was able to "bypass" the proxy hardcoded in Firefox by my company, and that doesn't work with FoxyProxy v5 as it used to in v4.x. I rolled back to v4.x for now, hoping that this issue will be solved before Firefox v57. Thanks for you reply anyway!Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenPlease revert to the old version by:
1. Uninstall the version you have now (type about:addons in the address type and remove FoxyProxy)
2. Install the one version from here: you want version 4.6.5
3. Your old settings will magically reappear
This is a temporary solution--that older version will only work until November 2017 when Firefox 57 comes out. But long before that time, the new version will have evolved with more features. Note that some features are not possible anymore due to Firefox's new addon ecosystem called WebExtensions. They are much more restricted than older addons (pre Firefox-57)