Feed Preview von Guido Berhörster
Signalisiert verfügbare RSS und/oder Atom Feeds und zeigt eine Vorschaui an.
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Über diese Erweiterung
Feed Preview is a Firefox Addon which indicates the availability of RSS or Atom feeds in the browser's URL bar and renders a previews of feeds.
Feed Preview has the following combination of features which are unique in combination and set it apart from similar feed previewing addons:
Feed Preview has the following combination of features which are unique in combination and set it apart from similar feed previewing addons:
- Extensive feed format support: robust parser which handles the RSS 1 (0.9, 1.0), RSS 2 (0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 2.0), and Atom (0.3, 2.0) feed families including obscure features, supports non-UTF-8 character sets, and uses content sniffing to detect feeds served with XML or RDF content types
- Media files: support for enclosed media files which can be downloaded from the preview page
- Subscription support: allows subscribing to feeds using user-configurable web-based feed readers and ships with presets for frequently used services and integrates with addon feed readers
- Secure: HTML content/summaries are displayed in sandboxed iframes, all other elements are sanitized
- Preserves the feed URL: the preview is generated via stream filters before it hits the rendering engine, there are no redirects and the "View Source" function works as expected
- Modern design: Follows the Photon design guidelines and integrates seamlessly with Firefox
- Open source: published under the MPL 2.0
- Internationalization: the code is fully internationalized, user submitted translations are welcome
Bewertung Ihres Eindrucks
Diesen Entwickler unterstützen
Der Entwickler dieser Erweiterung bittet Sie, dass Sie die Entwicklung unterstützen, indem Sie einen kleinen Betrag spenden.
BerechtigungenWeitere Informationen
Dieses Add-on muss:
- Auf Browsertabs zugreifen
- Auf Ihre Daten für diverse Websites zugreifen
Weitere Informationen
- Add-on-Links
- Version
- 14
- Größe
- 52,11 KB
- Zuletzt aktualisiert
- vor einem Jahr (3. März 2024)
- Verwandte Kategorien
- Lizenz
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Versionsgeschichte
Zur Sammlung hinzufügen
Versionshinweise für 14
- Update inkscape command line options
- Update Feedly URL template
- Update Feedly URL template
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