Bewertungen für Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express
Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express von Dishita
Bewertungen von Firefox-Benutzer 17141914
Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen
von Firefox-Benutzer 17141914, vor einem MonatA note to all who complained this extension no longer works on YouTube -- This is true, because YouTube is constantly changing the code settings, not an error by Dishita the extension author. You now sign on to the new PRO UPGRADE. Windows 7 OS (and later) now work with the PRO UPGRADE. Dishita and I emailed back and forth testing PRO UPGRADE on my WIN 7 OS desk top. The PRO UPGRADE flawlessly downloads individual and multiple music files, spoken blogs such as TED, full movies like Hallmark, etc. The new upgrade version is easy to use.