Bewertungen für DownThemAll!
DownThemAll! von Nils Maier
Bewertungen von Firefox-Benutzer 13330880
Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternen
von Firefox-Benutzer 13330880, vor 5 JahrenThis thing is a shadow of its former self. I can't even figure out how to get it to save files to a specific location (it wants to put everything in the "Downloads" folder, which I never use)! It also can't do the single most useful thing I used the old one for, which was automatic checksumming of downloaded files. Without that it's not even worth the bandwidth.
Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 5 JahrenThen it's not worth your bandwidth, fine, whatever.
DownThemAll lacks the features you're after, understood.
Other people find the other features useful, but not you, OK then.
We're limited by the WebExtensions API and were upfront about it. That means you can only save into the Downloads folder (or subfolders therein) and you cannot have checksums. If you don't like that, fine, I don't like it either, I hate the WebExtensions API, but it is what is is.
But all this doesn't mean you have to come here and express your disappointment in the in the meanest way you could muster.
DownThemAll lacks the features you're after, understood.
Other people find the other features useful, but not you, OK then.
We're limited by the WebExtensions API and were upfront about it. That means you can only save into the Downloads folder (or subfolders therein) and you cannot have checksums. If you don't like that, fine, I don't like it either, I hate the WebExtensions API, but it is what is is.
But all this doesn't mean you have to come here and express your disappointment in the in the meanest way you could muster.