Bewertungen für Bye Bye Pinterest
Bye Bye Pinterest von Carn
4 Bewertungen
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon KozaBerserker, vor 15 TagenFinaly my image search is not flooded with this awful site! And it works on duckduckgo :)
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon ModEverythingGiveThemNothing, vor einem MonatFinally I can use image search without wanting to throw myself out the window into traffic.
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon harper7, vor 9 MonatenSame thing Synner said. As it is right now, it is a basic script that is easy to follow. Look through it and see for yourself. It has blocked Pinterest for me and that's all I wanted. I will not set it to auto-update since there isn't much known about the developer but so far, I am pleased. If there is an update, changes will be diff'd with current. I'll report back if anything changes.
- Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternenvon Synner, vor einem JahrI signed up just to write this. Normally I am security-conscious and check number of installs, etc. I was installing this on another browser and noticed "Users: 1". F#CK. So I renamed the xpi to zip and read the code of every file line by line. Version 0.1 (first version) is clean. It works on more than just Google unlike Unpinterested and it works great. Nice simple code. I do recommend it and thank you to the developer to releasing it.