Versionshistorik for Urdu Dictionary

5 versioner

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Disse versioner vises som reference og til testformål. Du bør altid bruge den seneste version af en tilføjelse.

Version 0.64.2webext 321.4 KiB

Version 0.64.1-typefix 322.6 KiB

Version 0.64 277.0 KiB

Added a couple more suggestion rules and changed Firefox compatibility version to make it compatible with FF 3.5. No major changes

Version 0.62 277.0 KiB

Added some new replacement and suggestion rules, specially to accomodate some frequent spelling mistakes found on Urdu Wikipedia.

Version 0.6 277.0 KiB

Merged CRULP word list with Urdu Mehfil word list
Scrubbed CRULP word list to break multi word phrases in separate words. More than 30% words were removed this way enhancing performance without reducing functionality
Created suggestion rules in aff file