Better Canvas af ksucpea
Best dark mode for Canvas, plus other features
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**Chrome version can be found here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/better-canvas/cndibmoanboadcifjkjbdpjgfedanolh
Get the most out of Canvas and customize it to your liking with Better Canvas, featuring the best dark mode for Canvas, a better todo list, dashboard grades, and much more!
Full list of features and abilities:
- Fully customizable dark mode (choose from premade options or manually edit dark mode)
- Automatic scheduling for dark mode
- Dashboard card color palletes
- Assignments due list
- Dashboard notes
- Better todo list
- Custom fonts
- Condensed cards
- Dashboard grades
- Customizable card links
- Gradient dashboard cards
- Advanced card customization
- GPA calculator (college and highschool)
- Preview assignments and announcements from the dashboard
All options can be easily toggled in the menu without having to refresh the page.
Note: Site access is "all sites" to allow the extension to work on all variations of Canvas urls.
Contact: ksucpea@gmail.com
Firefox version: https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/better-canvas/
Source code: https://github.com/ksucpea/bettercanvas
Get the most out of Canvas and customize it to your liking with Better Canvas, featuring the best dark mode for Canvas, a better todo list, dashboard grades, and much more!
Full list of features and abilities:
- Fully customizable dark mode (choose from premade options or manually edit dark mode)
- Automatic scheduling for dark mode
- Dashboard card color palletes
- Assignments due list
- Dashboard notes
- Better todo list
- Custom fonts
- Condensed cards
- Dashboard grades
- Customizable card links
- Gradient dashboard cards
- Advanced card customization
- GPA calculator (college and highschool)
- Preview assignments and announcements from the dashboard
All options can be easily toggled in the menu without having to refresh the page.
Note: Site access is "all sites" to allow the extension to work on all variations of Canvas urls.
Contact: ksucpea@gmail.com
Firefox version: https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/better-canvas/
Source code: https://github.com/ksucpea/bettercanvas
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Denne tilføjelse behøver at:
- Tilgå dine data for alle websteder
Mere information
- Tilføjelses-links
- Version
- 5.12.0
- Størrelse
- 279,2 KB
- Senest opdateret
- 4 måneder siden (21. okt 2024)
- Relaterede kategorier
- Licens
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Versions-historik
- Mærkater
Føj til samling
Udgivelsesnoter for 5.12.0
- Todo reminders feature
- New themes browser
- Easier theme submission
- New themes browser
- Easier theme submission
Flere udvidelser af ksucpea
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- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu
- Der er ingen bedømmelser endnu