RSS Sage-Like
A sidebar based RSS feed reader like the good ol' Sage add-on, may the gods avenge his untimely death.
560 uživatelů
PDFmyURL save webpages as PDF
Saves any WebPage as PDF quickly with a click on the PDFmyURL button.
547 uživatelů
Wikipedia Reading Lists
Save Wikipedia articles to read on Wikipedia’s iOS and Android apps
543 uživatelů
Hush - private bookmarking
The only secure way to create and access private bookmarks while private browsing.
542 uživatelů
Open in new tab
Open bookmarks and links in a new tab for a list of specified domains.
518 uživatelů
Bookmark pages for read them later
515 uživatelů
Kadaza - Česká úvodní stránka
Toto rozšíření nastaví "Kadaza" jako domovskou stránku a "stránku nové karty" ve Firefoxu. Přehledný a rychlý start na webu.
511 uživatelů
A better firefox extension for Pinboard (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>).
507 uživatelů
Save Open Tabs
An extension to save all your open tabs.
500 uživatelů
Automatically or manually send pages to your ArchiveBox for archival.
493 uživatelů
Alfred Integration
Integrate Firefox with Alfred — Search your Firefox bookmarks & history and control Firefox tabs from Alfred.
491 uživatelů
Bookmark All Tabs
Bookmark all tabs. Fork of Bookmark Tabs to the Right.
488 uživatelů
Cook'n Recipe Capture Plugin
Capture any recipe from any website with just one click.
485 uživatelů
Best Homepage Ever - Home and New Tab Launcher
Automatically sets Best Homepage Ever as Firefox's default homepage, giving you instant access to all of your favorite sites on one beautiful, personalized page. Optionally, you can opt to override the default new tab page as well. Try it today!
483 uživatelů
Container Bookmarks
Allows you to open bookmarks in containers.
482 uživatelů
Duplicate Bookmarks Finder
Find and delete duplicate bookmarks.
479 uživatelů
Selenium IDE
Selenium Record and Playback tool for ease of getting acquainted with Selenium WebDriver.
478 uživatelů
Save my Chatbot - AI Conversation Exporter
🚀 Download Claude, Perplexity, Phind, ChatGPT and MaxAI-Google knowledge into markdown files!
466 uživatelů
QOwnNotes Web Companion
This is a companion extension for QOwnNotes for managing your browser bookmarks in markdown files, saving webpages or taking screenshots.
460 uživatelů
Flip this!
Toolbar button to flip everything into your Flipboard.
458 uživatelů
Bookmarked Speed Dial
Speed Dial integrated with your bookmarks. Based on Speed Dial (Lite) by Mark Lumnert
445 uživatelů
Keep or Delete Bookmarks
Cleaning up bookmarks is boring. The Firefox add-on Keep or Delete Bookmarks brings some fun to this task by allowing you to sort out the bookmarks like on “Tinder” or similar services.
444 uživatelů
compact toolbar
You can toggle as hide/show bookmark's titles on bookmark toolbar.
436 uživatelů
MaoXian web clipper
Clip information from web page to your local machine to avoid information invalidation. Save as HTML or Markdown, Pictures or styles will also be saved. free and respect your privacy.
428 uživatelů
Sticky notes for the Internet
428 uživatelů