Search Engine 2.0 | Display ChatGPT with AI Images
Display AI-generated responses with Google search results and generate your AI-generated images on Google Images. Setup Tutorial :
143 usuaris
143 usuaris
Night Shift Google Drive
Basic extension that updates Google Drive to dark mode.
136 usuaris
134 usuaris Temes, Taules - ChessHelper
Configura nous temes, peces, tipografies i taules per al 2024, elimina notificacions molestes, finestres emergents, etc.
134 usuaris
New Tab
A new look for firefox homepage and the newtab page.
130 usuaris
Additional features and quality of life improvements for a blue websight
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Messenger Dark Mode
Native Dark Mode in Messenger.
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Audible Dark Theme
Adds a dark theme to the Audible Website and Webplayer.
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We all know that you can't do good work without first having good tools - now with SelectionSK you can assemble the best tools for helping you browse the Web, and they'll even appear right when you need them without any extra clicks!
111 usuaris
Cookie Helper
The ultimate privacy manager. Cookie Helper provides seamless integration with our native Cookie manager for macOS. Quickly and easily favorite sites, then easily remove tracking cookies, history, cache and databases for those you don't want.
110 usuaris
custom start page
simple, customisable, minimalistic start page for firefox
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Tab Nine
A modern, highly customisable New Tab page with many widgets that does not require any permissions.
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Open in GIMP photo editor
Adds context menu items to send image links and image files directly to the GIMP photo editor
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Ticket Templates for JIRA
This addon inserts templates easily into textfields. It supports autofill, quickfill, sharing and many more.
101 usuaris
GPThemes - ChatGPT Customization
Transform ChatGPT's user interface with customisable accent colours and font styles, modern designs and chat bubbles.
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