Ressenyes sobre 'Improve YouTube!' 🎧 (For YouTube & Video)
'Improve YouTube!' 🎧 (For YouTube & Video) per code-for-charity, ImprovedTube
Resposta de: code-for-charity
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 3 mesoshi! :) yes! this has been an very special uphill race for 11.5 years - and no time to document enough (but you can can help us.) And blocklist appears in the lastest video review from a popular channel as stated in our wiki. You can enable it and then see a new block button on thumbnails and on channel pages. And more that you might suggest (maybe also a keyboard short cut to block the current channel?) - As a maintainer i care for unique features the most that). (aand luckily the blocklist feature got a whole overhaul / rewrite with these month and we can upload another update for it in a few days. (and you could help test that one already).