SeaMonkey অ্যাড-অন

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Lower Sorbian dictionary সংস্করণের ইতিহাস

15 গুলো সংস্করণ

পুরোনো সংস্করণ ব্যবহারে সতর্ক হোন!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

সংস্করণ 1.5.0 299.1 KiB

Larger update of words in the dictionary.

সংস্করণ 1.4.8 296.6 KiB

Improved automatic rules for comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, fixes for numerals, added some new words, fixed several mistakes.

সংস্করণ 1.4.7 296.9 KiB

Added more words, tweaked suggestion rules, fixed errors in dictionary rules.

সংস্করণ 1.4.6 289.0 KiB

adding more words, fixing a few mistakes

সংস্করণ 1.4.5 281.0 KiB

- added some words
- removed some wrong forms

সংস্করণ 1.4.4 273.0 KiB

- compatibility with Firefox 4.0
- added some words

সংস্করণ 1.4.3 273.0 KiB

- added some words
- made the extension compatible with Firefox 4

সংস্করণ 1.4.2 267.0 KiB

improving suggestions, removed some bad ones, adding more forms

সংস্করণ 1.3.0 267.0 KiB

- Many words added and fixed
- Compacted the dictionary a bit

সংস্করণ 1.1.2 269.0 KiB

added inflexion for some important irregular verbs, testing and making the extension compatibile with Firefox 3.6