CollabDown by Humaid
Allows downloading Bb Collaborate recordings by adding a Download Recording item in the side menu.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
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Bu uzantı haqqında
CollabDown allows users to download recordings from Bb Collaborate (Ultra) by adding a Download Recording item on the side menu.
It also adds a playback speed button in the playback controls, so you can speed up the recording playback.
It also adds a playback speed button in the playback controls, so you can speed up the recording playback.
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İcazələrLearn more
This add-on needs to:
- Məlumatlarınıza bbcollab.com domain içindəki saytlar üçün baxmaq
Daha çox məlumat
- Əlavə Keçidləri
- Versiya
- 1.2.2
- Size
- 22,4 KB
- Son yenilənmə
- 4 il əvvəl (30 yan 2021)
- Related Categories
- Lisenziya
- BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
- Buraxılış Tarixçəsi
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