تاريخ إصدارات Galaxytoolbar

كُن حذرًا مع الإصدارات القديمة!

هذه الإصدارات ظاهرة لأغراض المرجعية والاختبار. ينبغي عليك دائمًا أن تستخدم الإصدارة الأخيرة من هذه الإضافة.

الإصدارة 2.8.4 218.9 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 56.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Fixed the Galaxyview since OGame changed an internal ID and it did no longer work.

الإصدارة 2.8.3 222.2 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 43.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Bugfix that could break the local data storage.

الإصدارة 2.8.2 222.2 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 43.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Reacted on the changes of OGame version 6.1.6 regarding the player messages and activities. They are now working again.

الإصدارة 2.8.1 221.8 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 43.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Bugfix: Combat reports containing number abbreviations like 2.5M were incorrectly submitted to the galaxytool.

الإصدارة 2.8.0 221.8 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 56.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

- alliance member page is submitted again
- foreign espionage actions are submitted as activities
- online status for buddies and alliance member is subitted from chat bar
- messages from other players are submitted (if enabled in the settings)

الإصدارة 2.7.9 208.6 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 56.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Bugfix for espionage report detection with latest OGame version.
Bugfix for incorrectly submitted combat report data.

الإصدارة 2.7.8 208.4 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 43.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Enabled espionage report upload for OGame V6.1.5

الإصدارة 2.7.6 208.3 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 43.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Bugfix for empire view as well as player statistics upload after OGame changed the underlying page structure.

الإصدارة 2.7.5 211.6 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 43.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Bugfix for bandit lord playername detection in espionage reports.

الإصدارة 2.7.4 211.6 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 43.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Bugfix to enable espionage report upload for "honor ranked" players.

الإصدارة 2.7.1 211.5 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 14.0 - 46.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Re-enabled upload of combat reports for OGame version 6.0

الإصدارة 2.7 206.2 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 43.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

Fixed an issue that prevented espionage reports from being uploaded since OGame version 6.

الإصدارة 215.6 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 43.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.33.*

- fixed compatibility issue with Firefox 34+
- also send the player admin status to Galaxytools >= 5.2 from Galaxy View

الإصدارة 215.3 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 33.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.25.*

- fixed an issue in combination with AntiGame

الإصدارة 215.3 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 26.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.25

Fixes for OGame 5.6.3:
- fixed sending Empire view for moons (energy is now missing)
- fixed sending the correct game language
- new default OGame URL to match the new URL format

الإصدارة 215.4 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 25.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.20.*

- fixed a bug occuring in Firefox 23 (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=883928)
- fixed issue with AntiGame when sending fleet movements/phalanx reports

الإصدارة 215.2 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 22.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.18.*

- fixed an issue with the attack button inside espionage reports: if you clicked on it, the dialog title was centered and you were not forwarded to the fleet page
- reworked/simplified the fleet movement parser

الإصدارة 216.2 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 21.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.19

- fixed parsing ACS attacks in Phalanx reports + some adjustments for the next OGame version
- improved parsing the highscores in combination with the script "OGame Highscore Improved"

from v2.6.27:
- fixed parsing Techtree in OGame 5.3.0

الإصدارة 215.0 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 20.*, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.15a1

- fixed parsing Phalanx reports in case you switch to another tab and load a page there while browsing the galaxy in the original tab

from v2.6.26.1:
- fixed parsing eventlist in case OGame eventlist is already present when page was loaded (OGame setting)
- minor adjustments

الإصدارة 214.6 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 20.0a1, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.15a1

- fixed parsing own fleet movements in OGame 5.2.2
- fixed parsing OGame servername from OGame API in OGame 5.2.2
- fixed errors in error console showing up when leaving galaxy view in OGame
- fixed parsing Phalanx reports which failed under certain circumstances

from 2.6.25:
- parsing Phalanx reports works again
- added Chinese locale
- fixed sending own fleet movements
- fixed sending own planet energy
- improved efficiency: OGame Servername is now determined while entering the settings instead of each time, when an OGame page is loaded

from 2.6.24:
- some internal changes

الإصدارة 208.4 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 19.0a1, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.15a1

- fixed issue with universe check, which came up with OGame 5.1.2
- fixed Firefox 3.6 compatibility ( http://bugs.galaxytool.eu/view.php?id=699 )
- fixed several things for the next OGame version already

الإصدارة 207.7 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 18.0a1, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.15a1

- fixed http://bugs.galaxytool.eu/view.php?id=693
- new version of the oGameVersionCheck
- some internal changes

الإصدارة 207.9 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 18.0a1, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.15a1

- fixed warnings in js console
- fixed submission of Galaxyview in combination with AntiGame which lead to errors under certain circumstances
- some internal changes

الإصدارة 208.0 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.6 - 18.0a1, سِيمانكي 2.1 - 2.15a1

- fixed parsing
* Galaxy view
* Allypage
* Highscores
* planet data; especially research page
* all kind of messages
* techtree
for OGame 5.0.0
- added OGame Version check
- Techtree is now loaded in background, if something unknown has been found
- added support for Seamonkey
- changed the way, how dynamic content is parsed -> should improve performance

- IMPORTANT: sending Phalanx View does not work yet in OGame 5.0.0

الإصدارة 205.0 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.5 - 18.0a1

- added universe URL to output
- updateded Portuguese

from 2.6.17:
- fixed a bug in sending Empire View: wrong planetname (undefined) was submitted
- updated Polish locale

الإصدارة 204.0 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.5 - 15.0a1

- fixed issue with parsing Highscores in the upcoming OGame version 4.0.0 (wrong data was sent)

الإصدارة 204.0 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.5 - 14.0a1

- fixed parsing US espionage reports
- small improvement in galaxy view

الإصدارة 204.0 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.5 - 13.0a1

- fixed http://bugs.galaxytool.eu/view.php?id=602

from v2.6.13:
- bugfix: when there were many links in an ingame message, the parsed result was wrong
- improved compatibility with AntiGame at espionage reports
- new: show current AddOn version at the Galaxytool

الإصدارة 203.0 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.5 - 13.0a1

- fixed zombie compartments in Firefox Memory created by this extension (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=727552 )
- fixed another leak caused by not closing dbConnection properly

الإصدارة 201.0 KiB تعمل مع فَيَرفُكس 3.5 - 12.0a1

- added request when trying to close the option window and there are still unsaved changes
- fixed one security issue
- dropped support for Galaxytool v4.5.4
- improved execution performance