Dybutar se weergawegeskiedenis

3 versions

Wees versigtig met die ou weergawes!

Hierdie weergawes word net vir verwysing en toetsdoeleindes gewys. Gebruik altyd die jongste weergawe van 'n byvoeging.

Weergawe 164.1 KiB Werk met Firefox 8.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.3 - 2.24, Thunderbird 8.0 - 31.*

✔ Thunderbird compatibility.

✔ Bundled with 200 icons, which you can select by using RMB (right-mouse-button) over the options's input textbox. That IconSet was created by Emey87.

✔ Using RMB you can now select what Toolbar ID to use, too.

✔ Improved cleanup on shutdown/uninstall

✔ Fixed cleaning of icons left on the Customization Panel.

✔ Changed how links are opened and some other minor fixes.

Weergawe 0.4.1-signed.1-signed 13.6 KiB Werk met Firefox 7.0 - 24.*, SeaMonkey 2.3 - 2.16a1

✔ Added support for "about:" URIs so that for example you could create toolbar buttons for about:permissions or about:downloads (new Fx20 downloads manager)

Weergawe 0.3.1-signed.1-signed 13.6 KiB Werk met Firefox 7.0 - 21.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.3 - 2.16a1

✔ Added support for chrome URLs, so that for example you can create buttons to open Add-On's Options/Preferences Windows.