AutoBucket se weergawegeskiedenis

28 versions

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Hierdie weergawes word net vir verwysing en toetsdoeleindes gewys. Gebruik altyd die jongste weergawe van 'n byvoeging.

Weergawe 1.2.0 1.7 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 78.0 and later

Fixed an issue where startup slows down while using

Weergawe 1.1.7 1.7 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 78.0 and later

Upgrade the internal package you are using

Weergawe 1.1.5 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 78.0 and later

* Reduced memory usage at startup
* Reduced memory usage when learning multiple emails

Weergawe 1.1.4 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 78.0 and later

Reduces memory and CPU consumption at startup

Weergawe 1.1.3 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 78.0 and later

Modified to reflect the setting without restarting Thunderbird.

Weergawe 1.1.2 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 78.0 and later

* Added notification when initial setting is not completed.

Weergawe 1.1.1 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 78.0 and later

Fixed an issue where the processing of plugins became very heavy

Weergawe 1.1.0 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 78.0 and later

* Added a function to automatically judge new mail and add a classification tag

Weergawe 1.0.13 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Fixed a default shortcut because it was batting with a Thunderbird shortcut when used on Linux.

You can change the shortcut from the gear icon at the top right of the add-on page.

Weergawe 1.0.11 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Internal module version upgrade

Weergawe 1.0.10 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

* Corrected the height so that the graph does not stick out of the screen
* Made the graph semi-transparent to make it easier to see

Weergawe 1.0.9 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Fixed an issue where the date order of statistics was wrong.

Weergawe 1.0.8 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

* Fixed the problem that the initial value of the option was empty
* Added instructions on how to use when installing an extension
* Fixed help

Weergawe 1.0.7 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

* Show reset date of statistics
* Rounded the graph value of statistical information to display it.

Weergawe 1.0.6 1.5 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

* Added statistical information display function. It can be displayed by add-on popup or shortcut key.

Shortcut key
Ctrl + Shift + S (Option + Shift + S on Mac)

Weergawe 1.0.3 1.1 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

* Moved the setting clear function to the option
* Optimization of learning process
* Changed so that words with a score of 0 are not displayed in the log viewer.

Weergawe 1.0.2 1.1 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Minor correction

Weergawe 1.0.1 1.1 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

* Fixed the Judgment Log Viewer to only show the word in the category that most affected it
* Add labels to each item on the setting screen
* Add icons to help and popup

Weergawe 1.0.0 1.1 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

* Add icon

Weergawe 0.9.9 1.1 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

* Fixed a problem that the display of the log viewer is broken when switching tabs while the log viewer is open
* Added the subject to the learning target
* Modified from From / To / Cc to target only the address part in <>

Weergawe 0.9.7 1.1 MiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Weergawe 0.9.5 893.2 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Weergawe 0.9.0 874.6 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Weergawe 0.8.1 873.8 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Weergawe 0.8.0 873.6 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Weergawe 0.7.1 612.6 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Weergawe 0.7.0 612.6 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later

Weergawe 0.0.5 612.3 KiB Werk met Thunderbird 68.0 and later