其他 假日 主题


作者: sassygirl1016

今日用户 1 名


作者: sassygirl1016

今日用户 1 名

Animated Christmas In Fantasy Land

作者: Poppy

今日用户 178 名

Rudolph and Hermey The Elf

作者: justkay

今日用户 1 名

Christmas wreath with red ribbon

作者: takatan

今日用户 1 名

Gold firework 2012 - feux d artifices 2012

作者: Moyra1

今日用户 1 名

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MaDonnas Fairy

作者: MaDonna

今日用户 268 名

Grey Board by MaDonna

作者: MaDonna

今日用户 89 名

Lite Fall by MaDonna

作者: MaDonna

今日用户 198 名



Very unique, rich, and tastefully vaporous !

评分5星,满分5星Tyre 发表于 April 8, 2018 显示开发者对此评价的回复

I am so addicted to Madonna's wallpapers and themes. This one, like the rest, is crisp and aligned to not interfere with being able to easily read your tool bars. As a bonus, she also has the desk top wallpaper that matches this on another site. Thank you, Madonna, for your artistry. I use your work exclusively when I am ready to change up my themes and wallpapers. It saves me a lot of time hunting to just plug in your screen name because I know I would end up picking one of yours anyway!

评分5星,满分5星KyanaBelle 发表于 Sept. 30, 2014 显示开发者对此评价的回复

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