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AbandonWare ? No more updated ?
What a pity .... TOP USEFUL add-on for people who must have many email accounts
Please update

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

De las más útiles en Thunderbird!!!

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Add my voice to that of others - Why, oh why, oh why, has this not been updated?!!! It was about the most useful add-on for those of us who have way too many email accounts & way too many email folders!!!

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Such a great add-on. It did something no other add-on could do - change the order of accounts in the folder pane. This was absolutely essential for me, and still is. I've been using it for years for that specific purpose. Sadly, after installing Thunderbird on a new computer, I found out today that Thunderbird has broken this add-ons functionality. That leaves me no choice but to downgrade Thunderbird by installing an earlier version before v115 (or switch to something else, which I would really rather not do as I have become really accustomed to using Thunderbird). I surely could use and would really appreciate an update of this add-on.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

I really miss this add-on. So I add my voice to the public's - please upgrade for us, please!

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Please update this add- on for Thunderbird. Well done, no glitches and so useful. Thank you.

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

I use this extension all the time. It never occurred to me when I upgraded to TB v115 that this would not be supported. Knowing that ahead of time would have been enough for me to not upgrade, and now I can't go back. I am dismayed. Please please please make this extension compatible with v115.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Sort emails is very important. Please also support latest version of Thunderbird 115 (compatible till version 68-103). Many thanks.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Was a really great add-on. But I no longer believe it will be updated. Unfortunately. The author promised this months ago and nothing is happening. Luckily, I blocked updating this software in the registry long ago and am sticking with version 102.15.1. It works perfectly and I'm sticking with it.

Este utilizador tem uma revisão anterior deste extra.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Great add on! My favorite after Quicktext! Just please lets update it to the last version of Thunderbird

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas


Avaliado com 3 de 5 estrelas

This Addon was always very helpful for me. Im very sorry, that it doesn't work anymore with Thunderbirt v 115, Will there be an Update? I hope so, because it's worth 6 stars.

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Thunderbird 115.6.1 で期待通りに機能します!

RSS の購読「フォルダー」を自在に並べ替えするためには、
Thunderbird ネイティブでの「ドラッグアンドドロップ」では、
今でも、拡張機能「Manually sort folders」が必要ですね。
Thunderbird の Add-ons Manager(アドオンマネージャー)で、xpi ファイルからインストールして Thunderbird v115.x に適用します。

「Manually sort folders」拡張機能のツール(Add-on Options)を押下して、
This panel allows you to sort the folders of each account. First select an account, then a sort method. での
(フォルダーペインの)Blogs & News Feeds を選択し、
更に、Use a manually defined sort function に切り替え、
並べ替えしたい「フォルダー」を、Move up(Move down)で移動します。
最後に、右下部の〔 Save 〕を押下して適用します。

Thunderbird 115.6.1 での「RSS」購読は、とても快適な事を実感しました!

常用機が iPad なので、
Windows マシンでは、
デスクトップアプリ「RSS Guard」が便利でした。
それらよりも Thunderbird 115.6.1 での「RSS」購読は、
表示スタイルは default の「Card View」ではなく「Table View」を選択しています。

RSS リーダーは、Thunderbird が最善と感じ入っています。

Este utilizador tem 2 revisões anteriores deste extra.

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Your add-on is still valuable in that gave the user the ability to choose a particular folder to always start up in, instead of having to start in the folder you were in when you shut Thunderbird down in if it wasn't your favoured startup folder.
Why the devs don't build this function in already is unfathomable but it isn't.

Avaliado com 3 de 5 estrelas

Please update the component, to be able to sort the folders within the account as desired.....
It's been a long time now....

Este utilizador tem 4 revisões anteriores deste extra.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Ich hätte auch gerne ein Update von diesem tollen Addon.
Leider funktioniert das nicht "is no longer required as the ability to manually sort is available from setting | Accounts Setting. Just drag the account up /down the list to rearrange. " wie von Mick am 4. Januar geschrieben.
Eine Sortierung der Ordner innerhalb des Kontos ist immer automatisch nach Alphabet sortiert, vorgegeben von Thunderbird. Mit dem manually sort folder addon konnte man innerhalb des Kontos die Ordner so sortieren, wie man es wollte, also nicht alphabetisch.

I would also like an update of this very good addon.
Unfortunately this doesn't work "is no longer required as the ability to manually sort is available from setting | Accounts Setting. Just drag the account up / down the list to rearrange." as written by Mick on January 4th.
The folders within the account are always automatically sorted alphabetically, as specified by Thunderbird. With the manually sort folder addon you could sort the folders within the account the way you wanted, not alphabetically.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

from ver. 115 this plug-in is no longer required as the ability to manually sort is available from setting | Accounts Setting. Just drag the account up /down the list to rearrange. Thank you to Jonathan and Itagaki for there work for previous version we much appreciated it. :)

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

I would also like to see an update of this addon. I had used it before and now realized that it no longer works with 115.*.

Ich würde mich auch freuen wenn ein Update von diesem addon statfinden würde. ich hatte es früher schon einmal gebraucht und jetzt festgestellt das es unter 115.* nicht mehr funktioniert.

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

This was a great addon but it does not work for 115*. It has been more than 6 months and is yet to be updated. Please update asap. Thanks

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

I am glad to see this extension has not been abandoned, and I'm looking forward to it getting through what needs to be done to work with Thunderbird 115.