Waardering 2 van 5 sterren

Are you have plans for current version of Theunderbird support?

Waardering 2 van 5 sterren

Have you thought about keeping it for the current versions?
Today: 91.9.1

I went back to Thunderbird and this integration (I think) is the only thing I'm missing.

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

Fantástica extensión.
La versión de github fuciona estupendamente.

Como mejoras, yo añadiría que se pudieran mostrar los contextos (@) y proyectos (+) en la columna de categorías y las prioridades con su letra en el campo de prioridad del listado de tareas.

Por lo demás, una extensión estupenda.
Muchísimas gracias Roy, por desarrollarla. ;)

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (2.0.0). 

Waardering 2 van 5 sterren

Does not work with TB 68.5. Does not create ToDo.txt calendar as mentioned. Seems a brilliant idea but not working. Hope you update the addon asap

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (2.0.0). 

It was a known bug, this should be fixed in version 2.0.1. This should be made available in the next couple of days.

Waardering 1 van 5 sterren

Does not appear to work (any more?).

I have paths to my todo and done files set, but no old tasks show up and no new tasks are added to the file(s)

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (2.0.0). 

It was a known bug, this should be fixed in version 2.0.1. This should be made available in the next couple of days.

Waardering 2 van 5 sterren

It seems to be broke on Thunderbird 68.2.2. I can configure the todo and done.txt paths, but it doesn't read or write any tasks in these files.
I'm really looking forward to see this add-on working. Great initiative, congratulations! Thank you.

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (2.0.0). 

It was a known bug, this should be fixed in version 2.0.1. This should be made available in the next couple of days.

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

Works great. To use an existing todo.txt: Thunderbird menu → Add-ons → Todo.txt (don't go to Add-ons overview) and a popup shows to add paths to todo.txt and done.txt files.
Hope it will be compatible with Thunderbird 68+ soon!

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (1.0.1). 

Waardering 2 van 5 sterren

couldn't find any way how to integrate an existing todo.txt (which has Nextcloud-Sync) - so can't use it

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (1.0.0). 

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

Wonderful! I really hope you will manage to migrate it to TH 60!!!

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (0.8.8). 

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren

I'm switching from Wunderlist to todo.txt because the Evil Empire (R) bought Wunderlist. This add-on is a wonderful shortcut for the transition. Just install it, and most Thunderbird task features work seamlessly to edit your todo.txt file.

I'd give it five stars, except that it's missing some features. (I suspect some may be there, but if so, they're not documented, So in my book they don't exist yet.)

In particular, I'd like the widely used Simpletask extensions to be included:
due date (due:),
threshold date (t:),
recurring tasks (rec:),
and hidden (h:1) tags.
All of these, except for h:1, implement functions already existing in TB's stock task system.

I'd also add a new tag, message (msg:), to use with phone-call tasks to keep a record of the dates & times when messages were left.

Another thing, just as TB's display of messages can be sorted and then grouped by the sort criteria, the display of tasks should have this capability.

Also, and very important, the stock Thunderbird task list should be enhanced to allow multi-field sorting. The stock version only allows single-field sorts. Since the Todo.txt extension is based on todo-txt-js, which already has multi-field sorting built in, this shouldn't be that hard.

Finally, I'd request what might be called "field labelling." Sometimes it's desirable to substitute labels for fields in displays of tasks. For example, Michael Linenberger's "One-Minute Todo List" (1MTD) uses categories like "Critical Now," "Opportunity Now," and "Over the Horizon." He recommends implementing them by using priorities, and this system works well. The only problem is when you look at the display you see (A), (B), etc. If we could associate these with labels, then the display for high-priority items could read: "Critical Now: Things that must be done today. (<= 5, review hourly)." This would be very useful, especially if the label could be use for group headings.

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (0.8.7). 

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

Cannot load Thunderbird after install this addon...
Xubuntu 16.04, Thunderbird 45.1.0
When I close add-on tab before reload Thunderbird - all OK...

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (0.6.1). 


Thank you for the feedback. If you're available could you post this issue on https://github.com/rkokkelk/todo.txt-ext/issues with some additional information such as whether your receive an error or something. So that I could fix this issue as soon as possible.

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

Never had any use for google tasks, used todo.txt this extension added another dimension to Thunderbird !

Absolutely brilliant !
Thank you !!!

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (0.6.1). 

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren

The add-on is great, but it's dating back one day in the due dates. Perhaps because my GMT is Sao Paulo/Brazil. I can't also hide the completed tasks.

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (0.6).  Deze gebruiker heeft een eerdere beoordeling van deze add-on.


Thank you for the feedback. If you're available could you post this issues on https://github.com/rkokkelk/todo.txt-ext/issues. Then I could ask you for some feedback in order to fix these problems.

Thank you again.

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren

All good ...when i type it on my phone and see the task coming up on lightning in not more than 3 seconds.its so much fun.thumbs up ...just one thing ....i have 2 calendars 1) todo 2) gmail ....is there a way i can duplicate todo calendar tasks on gmail calendar ,,,or access my todo calendar on my bb 10 phone...

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (0.5). 


I'm currently looking into supporting other calendar with this add-on. So I hope to add this feature in the near future. Unfortunately I cannot help you with support for the bb 10 phone.