5점중 4점 받음

Yes, I mean exactly that what you write.
Paint the letters in the header to make them differ from the background, clearer and more visible.
I mean this words and letters:

Best regards.

OK, I see what you mean but I don't have the choice to do that. I just design, submit and select the background color and text color that will show up I chose a black text over the white/light green background.

5점중 3점 받음


why do not you paint the letters in the tables at the top? It would be clearer and more visible.

Otherwise, your themes are very beautiful, I have several in favorites and occasionally used it.

marrilyn, actually I don't know what you mean by "paint the letters in the tables". Do you mean the text colors on the toolbars? Please let me know what you mean so I can fix it, if I can.

Thanks for reviewing my design and I hope I can fix what you don't like. ♥